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[BeingThere / determinate Being] as such back continue to continue to continue to
[BeingThere / determinate Being] as such  System of Science
        part off  Logic
            part off  Being
                part off  Determinateness
                    part off  indeterminated Being
                    part off  BeingThere, determinate Being
                        part off  > [BeingThere / determinate Being] as such <
                            part off  [BeingThere / determinate Being] at all
                            part off  Reality and Negation
                            part off  That what is there, that what is determinate
                        part off  Finitude
                        part off  Infinity
                    part off  Being for oneself/Being for itself
                part off  Magnitude
                part off  Measure
            part off  Essence
            part off  Concept
        part off  Nature
        part off  Spirit/Mind

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